It has been a long and tiresome semester at school since we returned fully in January. This past week I was alone at school because the head catering teacher gave birth to her first child one week ago and my assistant production teacher was in a mandatory college teacher training. I arrived home Friday evening and have been resting all the day of Saturday (today). I am surprised how much it has taken out of me.
Last night about 8 pm, four of my boys entered the gate with a two wheeled hand cart to transport a bed and other items for their one room homes. Jackson, Zakayo, Laki and Benedict all sweating profusely from the hot evening temperatures loaded the cart and began wheeling down the dirt paths to their perspective homes delivering their new goods.
Zakayo and brother Jackson are moving from my area to another about 10 minutes away which is located near where Laki lives with his eighteen-year Form II brother. Benedict lives in a small outside structure located in Sr. Pauline’s compound nearby. Each of these boys are sponsored by us at Technical Schools.
Blessing #1 On Monday of last week, I was able to squeeze in some of my life’s experiences, particularly the warnings of the immoralities they will experience within the hospitality industry. After my talk I told them that if any wish to talk confidentially they are welcome. On Friday after working in the kitchen practically, a clean-cut young 23-year boy sat down next to me at my desk. He began telling me how he began drinking at the age of 15 and now cannot stop, though wants to. I was humbled and thankful he could share with me. I have searched the internet and have found only one location in the entire city of almost 2 million people conducting AA meetings. I have contacted others to see if they could help me with any alternatives.
Blessing #2 After the boys wheeled the handcart out my gate last night, Jackson stayed behind wanting to talk a bit. He wanted to tell me how much he will miss me and how thankful he is for Sr. Pauline, commissioners Rich and Kathy and me. He is growing into such a fine and hardworking young man. He said he wants to have a celebration at my house where we can all sing and dance and have a “family” picture together so he can hang one in his house and one for me in remembrance after I return home. Then he began hinting around wanting to know what I would like that is African. He is learning metal work, so I asked him if he would personally make me something very small out of metal as a keepsake, can’t wait to see what he comes up with, but whatever it is, it will be a treasure.
Blessing #3 This morning, Abdalla stopped by before he went to work. As he took his shower, washed his clothes and ate breakfast, I began cooking and baking a cake for him to carry home so he can eat throughout the week. I jokingly threaten him every week that I will be leaving soon and he needs to figure how he can cook on his off day so he can eat supper when he arrives to home at 9:30 pm, but each week I concede and cook for He left about 9am, took some juice to give to a friend of his who has been sick the past month. He is very mindful of visiting those who are sick. He came back to remove his clothes drying outback. He asked me what I will do when I get old, go to a nursing home? I said probably, but added that I hope I never have to. The way he questioned me; I could sense he had prepared in advance to ask. Then he said, maybe I could come there and take care of you at that time. Quite the loving and humbling sacrifice he offered.
Blessing #4 Zakayo, a current catering student offered to take Laki, who will join school in January 2022 intake, to the huge outdoor market to make sure he is outfitted with the clothing, shoes etc. he will need for school. They arrived at my place about 1:30 to bring me the receipts and cash balance. After they ate the lunch I prepared for them, Laki stood up and tried on all his new second hand goods. They did purchase him a new smart pair of black loafers to wear as a waiter. The gleam and smile he radiated as he sported his new look were worth his weight in gold.
Blessing #5 At 5 pm the very first student I met and worked with in the kitchen, Phillip, showed up at my gate. He has shifted around the country due to Covid, hustling for any work he could find. We had lost touch with the exception of an unexpected message of greeting once or twice per year. He had landed a chef job at a large bar/restaurant located on the Indian Ocean. He is now living a couple miles from me. It was great to catch up and reminisce and his kind words of how I will be missed are valued.
The past three months have been overly trying on me to the point of becoming disheartened. Then suddenly God steps in to refreshen and reaffirm as to why He has brought me here, showering me with his graciousness.