The Pastoral Council is the primary formal means through which the pastor and parishioners meet to discuss the needs and hopes of the parish community. The Council has the responsibility to set the direction for the parish through a process of pastoral planning that will:
Together with the pastor, the Finance Council shares the responsibility for the prudent administration of parish financial affairs. The Council assists in formulating policies and procedures for the effective management of parish assets. They recommend short-term and long-range financial plans in conjunction with pastoral council planning.
The Education Commission offers advice and assistance to those persons entrusted with the task of administering the education and formation programs of the parish including Adult Faith Formation and Child/Youth Faith Formation. They develop and uphold education policies, serve as a source of public relations, and are instrumental in strategic and financial planning.
The mission of the Stewardship Commission is to promote the Stewardship Way of Life at St. Michael Parish -- to live a life of gratitude to God and give back our first fruits to God, with service to God and others.
The Worship Commission seeks to encourage the full, active, and conscious participation of the worshipping assembly.