School broke for Christmas on December 17 with a staff party, let the fun begin, the season of Giving!
It began on the 18th by hosting a Christmas party for the three Mombasa Maryknoll Lay Missioners, two of our partnering religious Sisters and six neighboring youth whom we all support, educate and nurture. All six of these young men have experienced lives of extreme hardship. There is no question to me that God brought some to Kathy, some to Rich and some to me. We were supporting each of our own with knowing that we were overlapping one another in their support. But the beauty of this story is we have become a family of eleven. The hidden gifts are those of love, respect and joy, the hope and the faith they bring to us.
My next gift was to walk with Mzee Musa, my good friend and village elder. He has been suffering from a supra umbilical hernia, but lacking finances for the surgery. Musa is a peaceful man. His Muslim faith is evident of how he lives in harmony with his fellow man. I escorted him to the hospital, assisted with navigating the preparations and was a supportive company. Through my ministry donors I was able to pay for his surgery. He has been the gift for me, accepting and protecting me while living in his village of Mbungoni, but even more by his selflessness of caring for others even in his impoverished life.
My next gifts this week came to Abdalla. He was able to be registered for an Electrical Course at a nearby Technical Institute. He secured a loan for a small business that will financially support him while attending school and he received a “Distinction” ranking for his overall A grade in his Catering Course! Also this week out the blue he received a call from a very nice Italian restaurant he has been trying to be employed at for months, “know on wood”.
Papa is greatly relieved for these gifts.
The gifts continued on the 26th, as Kathy and I visited the family of Peter, Agnes and their two children Brighton and William. Peter was attacked and robbed early one morning that resulted in the amputation of his left arm. The six of us sat in their cramped 12 x 12’ room dripping of perspiration, simply enjoying one another and giving them simple Christmas presents. Our gift is witnessing a loving family who has so little but happy and grateful! God bless them.
From there we made a visit to Musa. He was sitting on a bed brought into the sitting room where he was surrounded his children and grandchildren. He was doing remarkably well. As I sat and visited with him I was able to hold his precious granddaughter just seven days old, what a beautiful gift for me. He is thankful and grateful to God for passing him through his surgery. Surgery is a very big deal here as many do not survive.
Next, I rushed home to make his family homemade chicken and noodles with freshly baked bread. An act of love I was gifted from my own father who always helped others this way.
Week 1 of the Holiday Season completed with so much gratitude. Can’t wait for what week 2 brings.
Tis the Season.